To promote the development of China's service industries, we need to attract large reputable foreign enterprises and intermediary agencies engaged in commerce and trade, tourism, accounting and auditing. 引进商贸、旅游、会计、审计等方面有信誉的境外大型企业和中介组织,促进我国服务业发展。
Insurance intermediary is generally constituted of insurance broker, insurance agent, insurance public valuator as well as trade association, actuary office, and law office, etc. 保险中介人一般是由保险经纪人、保险代理人、保险公估人以及同业协会、精算师事务所、律师事务所等构成。
On the Institutional Improvement of Developing the Intermediary Service Trade of Real Estate 发展房地产中介服务业的制度建设研究
Hong Kong has been the center for investment and trade of Southeast Asian Chinese businessmen, and also the intermediary of economic and trade relations between China and Southeast Asian Countries. 香港一直是东南亚华商投资与从事商贸活动的中心,也是东南亚与中国大陆进行经贸联系的中介,1980年代以来,香港更成为东南亚华人企业投资中国的桥梁。
Go through more than ten years development course, assets appraisal has been become China indispensable intermediary trade of the market economy already. 经历了十余年发展历程的中国资产评估业已经成为中国市场经济中不可或缺的中介行业。
The conspicuous contradiction between the fast development and expansion and lagging of the corresponding institutional improvement of service market of real estate intermediary of our country has already restricted seriously development of the intermediary service trade of the real estate. 我国房地产中介服务市场的快速发展、扩张与相应制度建设滞后之间的突出矛盾已严重制约了我国房地产中介服务业的发展。
The paper is expounded the Shenyang city property intermediary trade brand building problem. 本文论述沈阳市房地产中介业品牌建设问题。
Water bank, as an intermediary of water right lease and physical water trade ( water transfers), is an effective tool for balancing water supply and demand, saving water transfers cost, and maintaining sustainable water utilization. 水银行作为水权租赁和水量买卖双方的中介,是调剂用水余缺、节约水交易成本和促进水资源可持续利用的一个有效工具。
Since the intermediary and later stage of 80s, the overseas brands of hotel trade in China. 从80年代中后期开始,诸多境外的酒店业品牌开始进入中国。
Among the various ways to settle the 'lemon' problem, building the reliable intermediary of E-international trade is effective. 在解决柠檬问题的多种办法中,建立可信赖的E-国际贸易中介是一种行之有效的方法。
So far only a few of these organizations, public legal persons, intermediary organizations, the third sector, universities, social organizations, trade associations to carry out a comparative analysis system to study the similarities between them. 到目前为止只有少数人对这些组织,即公务法人、中介组织、第三部门、高校、社会团体、行业协会等进行比较分析、系统地研究它们之间存在的共性。
As a third-party intermediary, integration of domestic and foreign trading platform provides the enterprises, especially SMEs efficient and convenient trade vector that include international and domestic markets. 内外贸一体化贸易平台作为第三方中介,给企业,特别是中小企业提供了面向国际国内市场的高效、便捷的贸易载体。
In-depth analyzes the transmission mechanism of exchange rate to stock price through four aspects, which are the money supply intermediary, interest rates intermediary, international trade intermediary, international capital flows intermediary and expectations. 然后分别从五个途径深入分析汇率对股价的传导机制,分别包括货币供应量、国际进出口贸易、利率、国际资本流动和心理预期途径。
Therefore, this paper will focus on the corporate business, intermediary organizations, the third sector, universities, social organizations, trade associations and other such organizations in common, and in addition to these organizations collectively referred to as outside the main administrative units. 因此,本论文将着眼于公务法人、中介组织、第三部门、高校、社会团体、行业协会等这些组织之间的共性,并把这些组织统称为除行政主体之外的单位。
Through the publication and disclosure of information, the establishment of intermediary trade credit system, statistics system, comprehensive evaluation system, using the power of the whole community to achieve regulatory objectives. 通过信息的公布和披露,建立中介行业信用体系、统计体系、综合评价体系,利用整个社会的力量来实现监管目标。
As the scientific and technological intermediary service trade of our country starts relatively late, the development of service system of scientific and technological intermediary is still not perfect. There are also relatively little relevant theoretical research and practical experience of areas. 由于我国的科技中介服务业起步较晚,科技中介服务体系发育尚不完善,有关的理论研究和各地区的实践经验还较少。
In the real economy, intermediary is a bridge of communication with trade, playing an increasingly important role. 在现实的经济活动中,居间是沟通交易双方的桥梁,发挥着越来越重要的作用。
The conclusion indicated: The processing trade can promote the economic growth, the employment, the technical overflow, the upgrading of industries respectively are three intermediary variables of processing trade influence on economic growth. 结论表明:加工贸易能够促进经济增长,就业、技术溢出、产业结构升级分别是加工贸易影响经济增长的三个中介变量。
For example, we can cut off the pirated edition art from the intermediary link of different art, which needs reforming the function of art education according to changes in times, letting art demonstration platform to spread accurately, and letting art market to trade standardization. 我们可以从艺术的各种中介环节去阻断恶意山寨艺术品的横流,不仅需要艺术教育机构的职能要顺应时代去变革,也需要艺术展示平台的正确传播,同时,还迫切需要艺术市场交易的规范化。
The bank as social financial intermediary, is the main body of the social payments system, economic operation of every economic subject, is all through the bank established capital relationship, and finish all kinds of goods and services trade. 银行作为社会的金融中介,是社会支付体系的主体,经济运行的每一个经济主体,都是通过银行建立起资金往来关系,并完成各种商品和服务的交易。
By reducing the costs of transaction and relieving the adverse selection and moral hazard caused by information asymmetry, financial intermediary has played a catalytic role in the development of international trade. 金融中介通过降低交易成本、缓解信息不对称所导致的逆向选择和道德风险对国际贸易的发展产生促进作用。